Sunday, June 24, 2012


Drisk is played almost exactly like the board game, where each player picks a colour and has his/her initial territory, which they must expand by attacking and seizing fellow players’ land, until one player rules all! Download app here
The game looks and feels very retro, which is great for the nostalgic types, and features such as sliding controls and the overall design of this app successfully brings this family favourite into the 21st century.
Many of us around the world have the following childhood memory: A group of teenagers yelling and fighting over a map full of colourful dots on top, completely absorbed in their strategies to get back their precious stolen land. So what does this have to do with reviewing the Drisk app? Yes, you guessed it, Drisk is the app version of the family favourite board games ‘Risk’.
Games like Drisk are popping up all over the place, but never quite like this. The graphics are very nice, simple and straight to the point. Drisk Game

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