Saturday, November 3, 2012


Try Guess This is the latest app released by the developers Fruitbar Entertainment. If you are a fan of puzzle guessing games then this game will certainly appeal to you. Upon first playing the game reminded me very much of the popular “Draw Me” game however this one had a huge difference – instead of drawing this game used photos! Download app here!
I found this a great little twist and as a player you could be very mean and very clever in how you choose to use your photos.
The illustrations on the app are very quirky, fun and appealing and all of the tabs are clearly labelled instructing and guiding you how to play the game easily. As a player you are provided with a list of three words.
You then have to pick one of those three words and take a picture of the word. For example if a word is table you have to take a photograph of a table and send the photograph to the other person playing the game. TryGuessThis Review

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