Monday, September 9, 2013

Guess The Word 4 Pics 1 Word

The word has been spread. There is a super exciting and entertaining game available in the Android market. Guess The Word – a new word game that has become a trending game on the market in just a few days.
Available for free, this game has been downloaded by many people and not even a single one has given a bad review about the game. So, how can I?  This game is so good that I cannot say bad stuff about the game even if I want to.
Let me tell you why this is so. The game isn’t like normal word games where you are given some hints in the form of some randomly chosen alphabet from the word itself that need to be guessed. Nor it is like the one where you are given textual hints and are asked to guess the word. You might be thinking how are you actually supposed to guess then? How are you given hints? With the help of pictures. Guess The Word 4 Pics 1 Word Review

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