Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Stringnote is an app designed to help people remember important things. To use this app you have to create an Evernote account online to save your notes to. The Stringnote app keeps up with how many “strings you have tied” and tells you the date and time of when your last note or reminder was saved.
Download app here!
To save a note all you have to do is press the power button on your phone twice and then click save, and it will automatically send your reminder to your Evernote account.
You also have the option to take a picture through the app and record fifteen seconds of audio which will both be sent to your Evernote account along with your note. You can easily access all of your notes on your phone or computer.
If you snap pictures on Stringnote you can later save them to your computer from your Evernote account which is great for creating memory albums. Remembering important things has never been easier thanks to Stringnote. Stringnote Review

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